SADAD is fully licensed company in United Arab Emirates, with More than 20-year combined experience in collections and restructures ensures that our clients get the best quality service through a combination of payment recovery services & financial solutions. SADAD affiliated with the best debts collection companies & law firms in the MENA region, Egypt and UK. which allowed us in recovering debts from many countries all over of the world. Our aim is to provide excellent services with integrity, innovation and a commitment to exceeding all expectations while fostering long-term relationships. SADAD specialize in all types of collection and recovery services ranging from delinquent accounts to write-off debts (Charge off).

Walaa Beltagy
Company DirectorCommercial (B2B) / Retail (B2C) Collection & Recovery
SADAD offers payment collection services for businesses & Consu...
DetailsSkip Tracing & Write-Off
We undertake and execute tracing of debtors outside the UAE (i.e.,...
DetailsAccount Reconciliation (insurance & Corporate)
Account reconciliation is the process of comparing internal financi...
DetailsSettlements & Restructure (Banks & Corporate)
Due to our experience with banks and corporate along with our good...
DetailsMortgages (Auto/Home) Debts & RPO
Responsible for managing and resolving under and non-performing Aut...
DetailsAccount Receivable & Payable (AR&AP)
IS the lifeblood of a business's cash flow, its important part...
DetailsRemedial the Retail & Corporate Debts
aimed at solving a debt problem, especially when this involves corr...